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发布时间:2021/03/08   来源:    阅读量:



在国家211和985等学科建设项目的支持下,建设了“图像处理与识别教学综合实验室”,目前是“数字媒体北京市重点实验室”支撑单位之一,与香港Motic集团联合建立了“北航-Motic图像技术研发中心”、与美国William Beaumont Hospital建立“自适应放射治疗技术研究中心”,与美国匹兹堡大学、英国诺丁汉大学、澳大利亚联邦科工数学与系统所构建了硕士、博士研究生联合培养平台,为本科生教学和研究生培养提供了良好的教学和实践环境。











在应用基础理论研究方面,近五年来,主持国家自然科学基金18项(包括重点项目和联合重点项目各1项),发表高水平SCI(E)研究论文超过200篇,其中在本学科顶级国际刊物杂志(IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence、IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、Pattern Recognition、Optics Express、IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging等)和国际顶级会议(IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition等)上发表论文30余篇,出版图书4部。



单细胞基因重构及解析——国际上首次实现了百万级神经元脑图谱,全面揭示了神经元的“异构性”,完成了百万级鼠脑神经元基因表达的精准解析,相关成果发表在《Nature · Methods》


与中国电子科技集团第三研究所合作,研制的光电导引系统,突破全视场实时目标检测、跟踪的技术瓶颈,得到应用部门的认可。 研制成功国内首台航空胶片高速、高精度扫描仪,在扫描精度相同的情况下,速度是国外同类产品的近20倍。



Department of Aerospace Information Engineering


The Department of AeroSpace Information Engineering(originalImage Processing Center,abbr.IPC) ofBeihang Universitywas established in 1984. It teaches the undergraduates in the major ofSpacecraft Control and Information Engineering(SCIE), and teaches the postgraduates and doctors in the major ofPattern Recognition and Intelligent System. The graduate and doctoral education for the foreign students is undertaken as well.IPCis one of the support units of the national key discipline,Control Science and Engineering (A-score in the 4-th round of national discipline evaluation).IPCis mainly engaged in the research of theory and application aboutimage processing, pattern recognition and intelligent system, and plays an important role in the field of domestic aerospace research. Adhereing to Beihang University’s motto of ‘Combining Ability with Morality, Unifying Knowledge and Practice’, we contribute to train the scientific and technological talents for innovation-oriented country. More than 60% of the undergraduate students continue their postgraduate study, and more than 70% Masters and Doctors work in the aerospace and national defense department.

Under the supports of ‘211’, ‘985’, and Double-First-Class disciplines construction projects, IPC has ‘ComprehensiveTeachingLab.ImageProcessing andRecognition’, ‘Beijing Digital Media Key Laboratory’, ‘Beihang-Motic Image Technology Research and Development Center’(jointly supported by Motic Group in Hongkong), and ‘Adaptive Radiation Therapy Technology Research Center’ in cooperation with American William Beaumont Hospital.IPCprovides a joint training platform for graduate and doctor students, and provides a good teaching and practice environment for undergraduate and postgraduate students together with Pittsburgh University, Nottingham University and Australian Federal Science and Industry Mathematics and System Institution.

2.Discipline Development

IPCundertakes the responsibility to develop the discipline ofPattern Recognition & Intelligent System, which is a sub-discipline of the national key discipline,Control Science and Engineering,in Beihang University. Under the support of national “211 Project” and “985 Project”, and the grant for developing key laboratory of Beijing, to fulfill the requirements of developing astronautics,wehave built up 4 laboratories: Intelligent Image Recognition, Intelligent Datum Acquisition and Processing, Multi-Modal Imaging and Visual Guidance, Aerospace Information Intelligent Sensing and Multi-Modal Imaging. In these laboratories we have:

1)A database system of multimodality remote sensing and recognition. 2) A real-time tracking system using visible and infrared images. 3) Vision based pose tracking system for spacecraft. 4) A platform of designing and testing information processing system for rockets seeker. 5) A platform for simulating and analyzing objects captured by an outer space located camera. 6) An analysis platform for the visible light and infrared characteristics of object. 7) A simulation platform for spectrum imaging. 8) A research platform with respect to computer vision and intelligent system for space tasks. 9) Microscopy imaging and image processing & research platform.10) A simulation platform for imaging space objects. By developing the disciplines, our ability in teaching and scientific researchhas improved significantly, which laid a solid foundation to help Beihang University to achieve a world-class university with multi-discipline of ‘AeroSpace, Information, and Medcine’.


There are 19 staff inIPCnow, including 8 professors(allPhD supervisors, one Thousand-Youth), 10 associate professors(2 arePhD supervisors), 1 lecture. All the staff have Ph.D degrees in different education backgrounds and specialty. Interdisciplinary is the notable feature of our staff. Among the academic staff, there are 2 ‘New Century Excellent Talents’,one ‘Nominee Award for National100 ExcellentPhD Thesis’,one ‘ExcellentPhD thesis award of The First Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology’, 4 ‘Blue-Sky Young Talented’, 4 ‘Blue-Sky YoungStars’ in teaching, academic and administration, respectively, andone BUAA Excellent Post-doctoral. IPC is an active academic staff with young teachers as major part and headed by professors.


IPCis responsible for the teaching of ‘Spacecraft Control and Information Engineeringspecialty for undergraduate, and ’Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System’ for graduate students. Annually, there are about 45 undergraduate students and 35 postgraduate (including PhD students and foreign students).

Among doctoral students, there areone ‘Nominee for National100 excellentPhD Thesis Award’ andone ExcellentPhD thesis award of The First Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology. At present, we teach15 courses for undergraduate students, which mainly includeDigital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Digital Video Processing, Remote Sensing Foundations, Object Detection Tracking And Recognition, and Computer Vision, etc. We also give 6 courses for postgraduate students, such asDigital Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning,Machine Vision, etc. For foreign graduate students, we deliver 5 courses. Especially, three courses have been the excellent courses in BUAA, which are digital image processing, pattern recognition and digital signal processing.

5.Science Research

IPChas always focused on the integration of information technology, aviation technology and aerospace technology, paid close attention to research on the application of basic theory and technology, highlighted cooperation with the industrial sector in the direction of combination of "production, study and research". In the last five years, the annual scientific research funding was about 18 million.

In the application of basic theoretical research, there are 20 NSFC projects(one NSFC Key-Project, and one NSFC Jointly-Key-Project). More than 200 high quality SCI (E) papershave been published. Over 30 papershave been published on top global magazine (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Pattern Recognition,Optics Express,IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging) and top global conferences (IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition).

In the research on technology application, researchesare supported by National Key R&D Program,National High Technology 863Projects, and H863 projects. We have won OneSecond Prize Of National Science And Technology Progress Award,and 4 ministerial scientific and technological achievement awards. We have achieved unique technical advantages in image pattern recognition and intelligent control technology, multi-sensor image information extraction and integration of technology, the field of biomedical image processing and recognition technology. Through the cooperation of application units, 4devices have been successful developed and equipped into the Army Forces. 5 national medical device registration permitshave been acquired and 6 medical productshave been developed and used into clinical application. The usershaveexceeded 600 hospitals, including large hospitals such as the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Peking University Third Hospital of Peking University Stomatological Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University First Affiliated Hospital.



Long-Range Target Photoelectric Detection Technologyintegrates the image enhancement, image electromechanical stabilization, detection and identification, target tracking into a composite close system on high mobility platform for the first time, and applied to target detection. It improves the detection efficiency, accuracy and precision greatly and advanced in the world,which was awarded the "Second Prize of National Science and technology progress" in 2020.


Single Cell Gene Reconstruction And Analysis: for the first time in the world, we have realized the brain atlas of millions of neurons, comprehensively revealed the "heterogeneity" of neurons, and completed the accurate analysis of gene expression of millions of rat brain neurons. The relevant results are published in nature · methods.


The Construction Of Brain Inspired Intelligent Computing Model:organically combines qualitative thinking and quantitative thinking in human brain understanding, which significantly improves the ability of intelligent model to understand low recognition features. The related achievements are awarded the only outstanding paper award in 2020 IEEE Journal of fuzzy systems by IEEE Society for computational intelligence.

The developed electro-optical guidance system by IPC and the Third Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group. In the system, the full field of real-time target detection and tracking technology bottlenecks was overcomed. The system has been approved by user department. China's first aviation film high-speed, high-precision scanner. In the case of the same scanning accuracy, scanning speed is nearly 20 times that of similar foreign products. 

An Intelligent Image Information Extraction System Based on Remote Sensing Big Data

Based on big data and state-of-the-art deep learning methods, we can automatically extract and analyze several substances in remote sensing image data from GF-1, ZY-3 and other satellites, including buildings, roads, plants, water, etc. Our method has been practically applied to land monitoring in our country. Now the system, whose single-day throughput reaches 5 TB, processes more than 1000 images per day covering about 1,500,000 square kilometers.



