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发布时间:2018/07/25   来源:网上投稿    阅读量:

7月23日上午9点,由北航威廉希尔主办的第二届北航航天科学与技术研究生国际学术论坛于北航唯实大厦昆仑厅正式开幕。本届论坛邀请到中国科学院院士及中国空间技术研究院研究员叶培建做主旨报告、并邀请西班牙马德里理工大学航天工程学院副院长、教授Gustavo Alonso、中国空间技术研究院总师黄江川进行专家报告。并邀请到韩国朝鲜大学教授Changduk Kong,副教授Hyun-Ung OH、中国空间技术研究院处长王硕、北京机电工程总体设计部处长路婷婷、清华大学副研究员王兆魁、北京理工大学副教授谢侃、北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院院长曹晋滨、亚太空间合作组织大学小行星项目技术专家及北京航空航天大学威廉希尔教授黄海、北京航空航天大学航空学院副教授于洋、北京航空航天大学威廉希尔院长杨立军,副院长姜志国,研究生指导主任王晓慧,以及威廉希尔陈珅艳老师,王新升老师等国内外多位专家学者作为嘉宾莅临开幕式现场。此外,还有来自国外著名高校研究生及青年学者、我校威廉希尔研究生、国际学院研究生以及国内兄弟院校的研究生共计90余人参加了开幕式。

The Opening ceremony of the 2nd BUAAInternational Postgraduate Academic Forum of Astronautical Science andTechnology was held in Kunlun Hall of Beihang Vision Hotel at 9:00 a.m. July 23rd,2018. It is hosted by School of Astronautics, BUAA. The forum invites YePeijian, who is the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences &Researcher of the China Academy of Space Technology, to deliver the keynotespeech. Later on, Professor Huang Jiangchuan, the chief engineer of the ChinaAcademy of Space Technology, and Professor Gustavo Alonso Rodrigo, the deputydirector of the School of Aerospace Engineering from Technical University ofMadrid presented their expert reports respectively. The forum invited ProfessorChangduk Kong from Chosun University, Professor Hyun-Ung OH from ChosunUniversity, Mr. Wang Shuo, the director from the China Academy of SpaceTechnology, Ms. Lu Tingting, the director from Beijing Mechanical andElectrical Engineering General Design Department, Professor Wang Zhaokui, theassociate research scientist from Tsinghua University, Professor Xie Kan fromBeijing Institute of Technology, Professor Cao Jinbin , the dean of the Schoolof Space and Environment, Beihang University, Professor Huang Hai, the AsiaPacific Space Cooperation Asteroid Project technical expert and professor ofBeihang University, Professor Yu Yang from Beihang University, Professor Yang Lijun, the dean of theSchool of Astronautics, Beihang University, Professor Jiang Zhiguo, the vicedean of the School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Professor Wang Xiaohui,the director of Graduate management of the School of Astronautics, BeihangUniversity, Professor Chen Shenyan and Professor Wang Xinsheng from the Schoolof Astronautics of Beihang University and other domestic and internationalexperts . Besides, there were about 90 graduate students from the School ofAstronautics, the International School of Beihang University and otheruniversities at home and abroad attending the opening ceremony. 

威廉希尔研究生指导主任王晓慧首先对本次论坛的背景进行了介绍,强调本论坛立足于航天学科前沿发展,旨在为世界各地航天领域的国际青年学者、研究生提供一个展示科研成果和科研进展的交流平台,拓宽我校航天专业研究生的国际学术视野。本次论坛共计收到国内各高校研究生、在华留学生以及国外研究生英文投稿41篇,经由专家审核最终录取36篇。威廉希尔副院长姜志国代表威廉希尔就此次论坛进行了致辞,首先,姜院长对参加论坛的师生表示热烈欢迎,希望参会师生能够广泛开展学术研究,交换学术观点,激发创新潜能,并在论坛中收获宝贵的友谊。其次,姜院长指出正值威廉希尔30周年,学院在未来将继续秉持“开放、自由、平等”的原则,持续举办国际学术论坛,希望扩大论坛影响范围,打造一个范围更广、水平更高的青年学术交流平台,更深层次促进我院师生的国际学术交流活动。西班牙马德里理工大学航天工程学院副院长Gustavo Alonso教授发表了致辞。Alonso教授指出研究生国际学术论坛的举办有利于马德里理工大学与北京航空航天大学研究生拓宽学术视野,促进学术交流,并希望进一步加强两校的合作与交流,期待着更多这类型的活动。

To start the forum, Director of Graduate management, Professor Wang Xiaohui gave a brief introduction about thebackground of the forum, emphasizing that the forum is based on the principleof promoting development of astronautics. The forum aims at building a platformfor young scholars from different countries to present their recent discoveriesand achievements in realm of astronautics, and broadening the horizons of thepostgraduates who major in astronautics. The forum has received 41 papers fromgraduate students both domestically and internationally, among which 36 papershas been accepted after peer review. Next, Deputy Director of the School ofAstronautics of Beihang University Jiang Zhiguo also addressed the forum. Heexpressed his ardent welcome to the guests and students present and hisaspiration for professors and students to communicate actively to exchangeinnovative ideas and establish friendship in this forum. Then Director Jiangindicated that the School of Astronautics would uphold the principle of‘opening, freedom and equality’ and endeavor to keep the forum a long-lastingactivity. He expected the forum to be more influential to encourage teachersand students in our school to make more profound progress in their research. ThenDeputy Director of the School of Aerospace Engineering of Technical Universityof Madrid, Professor Gustavo Alonso addressed the opening ceremony. ProfessorAlonso indicated that the forum is helpful for students in both TechnicalUniversity of Madrid and Beihang University as well to broaden their horizonsand promote academic communication. He hoped to strengthen cooperation betweenthe two universities with the help of the forum, and he also looked forward toparticipating in more activities of this kind.

叶培建院士对论坛的举办的表示了高度赞赏,并预祝论坛成功举办,在讲话中,他鼓励青年学者努力学习,积极创新,为航天事业添砖加瓦,他对来自世界各地的青年学者充满了殷切的期冀,希望世界各地青年学者可以在航天事业更上一层楼。紧接着,叶院士做了题为‘The Development of Chinese Lunar and Deep Space Exploration’的专题报告。叶院士首先介绍了中国在应用卫星及载人航天工程方面的进步,回顾了包括以东方红一号为代表的应用卫星,以神舟五号为代表的载人航天工程,以及以嫦娥一号为代表的探月工程等中国航天工业发展史上的里程碑。此外,他还介绍了中国未来的太空探索计划的日程表及发展思路。

Academician Ye Peijian expressed his highappreciation for the organization of the forum and his best wishes for theforum. During his speech, he encouraged young scholars to study hard, activelyinnovate, and make contributions to the aerospace industry. Then, Professor Yemade a special report on the topic ‘The Development of Chinese Lunar and DeepSpace Exploration’. Professor Ye first introduced China's progress in theapplication of satellites and manned spaceflight engineering program, and hereviewed several milestones in the history of China's aerospace industry, suchas the application satellites represented by Dongfanghong 1, the mannedspaceflight project represented by Shenzhou V, and the lunar explorationproject represented by Chang’ e 1 and so on. In addition, he also introducedthe schedule and development ideas of China's future space exploration program.

随后,黄江川总师做了题为‘Research and Development onThe Small-Body Exploration’的专题报告,就中国的小天体探测项目进行了介绍。首先,黄江川总师对中国小天体探测项目的发展历程进行了回顾,中国空间技术研究院克服种种困难,通过自筹项目进行小天体探测方面的研究,并在国际上首次实现对Toutatis小行星的近距离探测。之后,黄江川总师介绍了中国空间技术研究院在小天体探索项目方面的进步,并展示了部分技术原型设备。

Subsequently, Chief Designer HuangJiangchuan gave a detailed report on “Research and Development on TheSmall-Body Exploration” to introduce the small asteroid exploration project inChina. At first, Chief Designer Huang reviewed the history of China's asteroidexploration project. He explained the arduous time The China Academy of SpaceTechnology has overcome to make research on small celestial bodies throughself-financing projects, during which time they realized the first proximitydetection of astronomical asteroids Toutatis. After that, Huang Jiangchuanintroduced the progress of China Academy of Space Technology in the explorationof small celestial bodies, and he also showed some technical prototypeequipment.

最后,Gustavo Alonso教授做了题为‘New trends in Space systems engineering’的专题报告。在报告中,Alonso教授强调了航天系统工程在航天任务设计及实现中所发挥的重要作用,分享了国外航天领域专家对于航天任务设计等方面的独到见解,并介绍了这一领域新的职业发展道路,使在场师生受益良多。

Finally, Professor Gustavo Alonso deliveredan expert report‘New trends in Space systemsengineering’. In his report, Professor Alonso emphasized the importance ofaerospace systems engineering in the design and implementation of spacemissions. He also shared the unique insights of international aerospace expertson space mission design, and introduced new career development in this field.The report has greatly benefited teachers and students who attended the forum.


So far, the 2nd BUAA IAFAST successfullystarted. holding this forum not only broadens the student’s horizon  but also increased their academic exchangeawareness. The guests’ opening reports inspired the students a lot onthedevelopment of aerospace technology. The students had a cordial exchange withthe guests and expressed their expectation for follow-up activities.


